Improve the infrastructure of MSME financing information  

Policies Involved

Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Regulation No. 1 of 2022 on Guidelines on the Implementation of People’s Business Credit (KUR)
Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 77 of 2016 on Information Technology-Based Money Lending Services
Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 16 of 2021 on Amendments to FSA Regulation No. 57 of 2020 on Securities Crowdfunding
Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 2 of 2020 on Integrated Entrepreneurship Development


Despite the diverse and comprehensive financing options available for MSMEs, many MSMEs are unaware of government incentives that can make business upgrades affordable for them. Plans for information dissemination, as well as the measure of their effectiveness, are often not outlined in regulations on financing options, which create information asymmetries and financing barriers facing MSMEs.

Current Policy

Several regulations have outlined the financing instruments that are available for MSMEs, such as the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Regulation on KUR and the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 77 of 2016 on P2P lending. At the regional level, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 2 of 2020 on the Integrated Entrepreneurship Development facilitates potential entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs involved in the Jakpreneur program with access to financing1. But while there is a wide variety of financing options and mechanisms that are available for MSMEs, they are not accompanied by a comprehensive communication strategy, leading to a lack and often fragmented understanding among the enterprises themselves.


MSMEs need to be made aware of the options offered by the financial institutions so that they can participate effectively and benefit from them. The government along with other relevant stakeholders should be proactive in disseminating accurate information about the options for MSME financing, either by making such communication part of the financing scheme, or as part of the program that facilitates access to finance, such as Jakpreneur. Some of the scheme or program budget should be allocated for information dissemination activities. Further, an understanding of MSMEs’ information needs and where MSMEs receive their information is crucial to ensure that the accurate yet relevant messages are reaching the intended audience. Designing comprehensive information workflow and communication strategy, and engaging stakeholders who are actively involved in MSME development, can further ensure clearer and more accessible information for all MSMEs.

action points
parties involved
Allocate budget for information dissemination activities
Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs and other relevant ministries
Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta
Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Business DKI Jakarta
Map MSMEs’ information needs and source
Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs and other relevant ministries
Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta
Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Business DKI Jakarta
Business associations
Design information workflow and communication strategy
Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs and other relevant ministries
Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta
Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Business DKI Jakarta
Financial Institutions
Business associations
Disseminate information to MSMEs
Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta
Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Business DKI Jakarta
Financial Institutions
Business associations

Indicator of Success

Awareness of financing programs
Number of MSMEs allocated loans
Number of financing applications
Number of successful financing applications
  1. Currently, Jakpreneur partners with Bank DKI, a commercial bank and a regional-owned enterprise, to disburse loans to qualified Jakpreneur program participants.

For many entrepreneurs, the decision to turn into innovations depends on the ease to adopt technology, trained workforces, and multiple sources of finance. Yet, navigating the complex regulation is a major challenge for most lay business people. To expedite the economic recovery post-pandemic recession, the stakeholders in the ecosystem are urged to formulate the right policy to simplify such challenges.

— Kariem El-Ali, Senior Policy Advisor